Members of the Yale College Council and the Yale Student Activities Committee will be live blogging the Spring Fling experience from their unique, behind the scenes perspectives. Enjoy the show.
11:48 a.m. We’ve been up since 6 a.m., and taking care of the backline/rider set-up since. Nothing wild, but we are still trying to find a table stable enough for Girl Talk to play and jump on. We’re also trying to find in-ear mics for The Decemberists because the audio company ordered the wrong ones
1:12 p.m. Check 1, 2. The Decemberists want to do their own sound check, so it’s slowing us down a bit. Backline is nearly all set up. Just saw Colin Munroe carrying in his equipment.
1:51 p.m. The show is going on as planned — miraculously! The student bands are setting up using Wale’s equipment.
2:27 p.m. Student bands getting ready to go! The bands playing: Great Caesar and the Go-Getters, Suitcase of Keys and Affirmative.
2:50 p.m. Girl Talk wants 50-75 people on stage with him. We’ll be walking around with wristbands later in the afternoon to give to people who want to dance on stage.
2:52 p.m. Better late than never. Suitcase of Keys is on!
3:43 p.m. Last student band is going on now. We’re about a half hour behind schedule.
5:36 p.m. Wale just killed. Now onto the Decemberists.
6:32 p.m. The lead singer for The Decemberists just orchestrated a “camelback fight.” People are climbing on each other’s shoulders and trying to knock each other down. There are at least 25 teams fighting.
7:36 p.m. N*E*R*D has exited their bus and are heading for Old Campus. A group of frat boys are anxiously trailing them, slowly following like pre-teen girls stalking a Jonas brother.
5:28 a.m. 23 hours and 27 minutes later — we’re done!