The Whiffenpoofs, the oldest a capella group, tapped their new class of 14 on Wednesday evening. Here’s the full list of the new members — complete with their colorful, new nicknames.
Keiji “Pitchpipe” Ishiguri
Ian “Thomas the Tank En” Janer
Josh “Don’t Stop Be” Levin
Evan “Wake Me Up Before You” Gogel
Justin “King” Quam
Jeff “Stick in the M” Hudson
Stephen “Therapy Made Me Nor” Mulligan
Scott “Thilly and T” Hillier
Sam “Phallic Sym” Bolen
Bobby “Baby Got” Fishbeck
Jerry “Aura” Lieblich
Sam “Love You Can P” Hafer
Brendan “Pterodac” Dill
Mike “Popo” Lavigne