Students looking to dining hall cards for ingredient listings were surprised last night. The April Fools’ Day-inspired cards described items such as “Grad Student Gratin” — “Not sustainable,” the item’s card warned. Also on the menu was “Breasts Roasted Five Spice Girls,” purportedly containing Posh, Ginger, Sporty, Scary and Baby as its five “spices.”

A leading Jonas Brothers fan site,, yesterday picked up the April Fools’ Cross Campus item about the Jonas Brothers performing at Spring Fling. The site listed Spring Fling as a newly announced concert, citing the Cross Campus item as its source. The announcement was removed from the Web site last night.

Law School Dean Harold Hongju Koh has been the target of conservative commentators who claim Koh’s appointment as Obama’s legal adviser would allow international law to trump the U.S. Constitution. Yesterday, The New York Times reported that Koh’s supporters are fighting back: “This is all just an attempt to whip up hysteria,” said Stanford Law School professor Pamela Karlan.

Yale got Rickrolled last night when the YCC joined the April 1 hijinks and sent out a joke e-mail message announcing a new addition to the Spring Fling lineup. Those who clicked on the link were directed to Rick Astley singing “Never Gonna Give You Up.”

181 Yale-New Haven Hospital physicians were recently named among the best in the state in Connecticut Magazine’s 10th annual “Top Doctors” issue. The Y-NH doctors, representing a wide range of specialties, were among 650 doctors throughout the state named in the issue.

Feeling fortunate? The Asian American Students Alliance will put fortune cookies in all the residential dining halls and Commons starting at dinner tonight to kick off Asian Pacific American Heritage Month.

The statue of Theodore Dwight Woolsey 1896 in the middle of Old Campus was covered head to pedestal with toilet paper early yesterday morning. The impromptu “decorations” were removed soon afterward.

April Fools comes early to some. The University of California, San Diego Admissions Department inadvertently sent a congratulatory e-mail Monday night to the entire applicant pool. Over 28,000 of the students who received the message had been denied admission by the university earlier in March.

This day in Yale history
1943 Inclement weather brought a halt to the festivities of the opening day of White Shoe Season. The ceremony was postponed, and campus police were instructed to stop and warn any undergraduates sporting dirty whites.

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