The Board of Permanent Officers voted to appoint Jessica Brantley, formerly an assistant professor, to tenure yesterday afternoon. She is now an associate professor. Brantley specializes in Old and Middle English literature, manuscript studies, text-image relations and the history of the book. In December 2007, she released a book entitled “Reading in the Wilderness,” an in-depth study of a particular medieval manuscript. Brantley received her bachelor’s degree at Harvard University and completed graduate work at the University of Cambridge and the University of California, Los Angeles. She has taught a variety of undergraduate courses, including “Major English Poets,” “Advanced Prose,” and “Chaucer.” Graduate School Dean Jon Butler said Brantley has been asked by the British Library to write a treatise on medieval manuscripts. “Few Americans would be asked to do something that is usually the province of the Europeans,” Butler said of Brantley’s project, adding that she is also known for her teaching skills. Brantley could not be reached for comment last night.