As part of a joint fundraiser event with Shelter Now on Saturday night, Ward 1 aldermanic candidate Mike Jones ’11 stated his agenda for addressing homelessness in New Haven. Before an audience of about 40 in Blue State Coffee, Jones said he hopes to reach out to nearby regions of Woodbridge, East Haven and West Haven for assistance in garnering homelessness resources. He promised, if elected, to prevent any cuts from funding for homeless shelters in the future. “In terms of doing specific things as a community, it may not all get done through legislative action,” Jones stated. “We’re going to do everything we can to help provide services. And some I may not be able to do as a legislator, but some I’m going to do as a member of this community.” Gabriel Zucker ’12, a leader at Shelter Now, said he appreciated Jones’ support though Shelter Now does not formally endorse any candidate. “We need a really strong voice to say, ‘No, we should not cut extra money from shelters,’ ” Zucker said. The event raised $480 in donations for Shelter Now.
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