As long-time and daily readers of your publication, the entire staff of Rumpus is outraged that we were left out of Vivian Yee’s article, “Downturn curtails production of several Yale publications” (Feb. 17). Rumpus has not been so infuriated since Florence Dethy contacted our entire staff fall semester telling us she had heard we would be ideal interview subjects for her article on drug use (“A survey of drug use on campus,” Nov. 19). By the way, good work getting the University administration’s man-thongs in a twist. You’ve made it a lot more difficult for us ideal interview subjects to keep our meth addictions unnoticed.
But really we just want to know why, YD“N”, why. Why did you choose to ignore the campus’ second-most widely read publication? Why did you spend more time discussing Das Neue Journal than anyone, pretentious assholes included, ever should? Do you feel threatened by our wise money investments? Do you feel like an idiot for not thinking to invest in oil futures like we did? Do you feel inferior to Rumpus’ endowment? Like we told Yee, Rumpus is very well endowed.
And way to do your research about the financial status of Herald. It’s a widely known fact that Herald is barely getting by; not a single business in New Haven will buy an ad from them. Publisher Marisol Ryu may have told YD“N” that Herald was financially fine, but stop and think for a second. Herald hates YD“N”. Herald has no desire to see YD“N” publicly humiliate them. Herald also told Rumpus that their “local advertisers have dropped out” and that Herald is seeing “hard times.”
And one more bone to pick: “Hockey sees fans and a fight” (Feb. 9). As if it’s not bad enough that you’ve employed two reporters who clearly don’t know a thing about the divine sport that is men’s college hockey and who find it necessary to exploit 2-year-old girls’ fear of mascots, you have claimed that Ingalls Rink is “the place to be” this winter. I don’t know if you know a thing about varsity sports, YD“N”, or if you’re too busy moping because Feb Club thinks you’re too toolish to host a party, but Rumpus would like to make this clear to you: Yale men’s hockey is for the eyes, hands and mouths of Rumpus only. Don’t go telling the whole school about the holy hockey team. Tell them to go watch women’s hockey or something. God knows they need the fans.
Thanks you for your time. Rumpus will now go back to reading the horrors Julian Domo ’11 faces on sustainable pizza days.
All of us at Rumpus, including Paul Needham
Feb. 18
The writer is the only magazine at Yale about stuff at Yale.