Today’s round-up
Yale Daily News
2:08 pm, Nov 03, 2008
Election ’08 coverage from the print edition of the Yale Daily News:
Eli a longshot in Nebraska. Scott Kleeb GRD ’06 faces an uphill battle in his attempt to win election to the United States Senate from a historically red state. Senior reporter Andrew Mangino reports from Nebraska.
A trip to Palin country. Staff reporter Nicolas Niarchos reports from Anchorage and Wasilla, Alaska, to find out how Gov. Sarah Palin’s constituents assess the Republican vice-presidential nominee.
Homework? No, there’s a state to be canvassed. On the ground with Eli volunteers as they get-out-the-vote for the Obama campaign in Keene, N.H.
Connecticut rallies for Obama. Rep. Rosa DeLauro of New Haven and other prominent Democrats rally members of their party as Election Day approaches.
Endorsement tilt Democratic. If the preferences of newspaper editors are any indication, Sen. Barack Obama is in good shape heading into Tuesday’s election.
ItsHaky fight for seat. Think Rep. Rosa DeLauro is running unopposed? You’d be wrong.
Channeling Obama, teens embrace oratory. New Haven high school students conclude America is ready to elect its first African-American president.