Silent Inferno. Pierson students received an e-mail yesterday with tips on how to have fun at this year’s Inferno — or rather, how to avoid the police. Dressed in Halloween attire, Pierson students will take a Vow of Silence at 7 p.m. and throw several “silent” parties (because apparently “the cops can’t break up a SILENT party”) until they descend into the Tenth Circle of the Inferno later tonight. But the exotic Lower Court Halloween Extravaganza and the generous supply of alcohol will be restricted to those over 21 who sport the neon-orange wristband provided by the Master’s Office. See story at right.
But pumpkins are for all. Before descending into the Inferno later tonight, Yalies can indulge themselves in pumpkin soup, pumpkin pie and pumpkin pizza at the Yale Farm. In addition to the delicious food, the Annual Yale Farm Pumpkin Day will also have jack-o-lanterns for everyone.
A dinosaur piñata was the highlight of last night’s party at the Women’s Center. Sponsored by Amnesty International, LGBT Co-op, Yale Women’s Center and the ACLU, the party —titled Gay Marriage Killed the Dinosaurs — was a celebration of the recent legalization of gay marriage in Connecticut. Dinosaurs, wedding cakes and dancing turned the event into the perfect prelude to Halloween.
Never too old to trick-or-treat. Tonight a group of service-minded Yalies will be “scaring up” non-perishable food items from locals for the Downtown Soup Kitchen. The event, entitled “Trick or Eat?,” is sponsored in part by Hunger Exchange, a Canada-based group that mobilizes students to address hunger.
As if Harkness Tower weren’t spooky enough, the Guild of Carillonneurs will hold their annual Halloween concert tonight from 8 to 9 p.m. The ghoulish music will range from Bach to Michael Jackson. The concert is free and mandatory, as most of campus is within earshot of the sonorous Harkness bells.
Renovated, yet not sterile enough? Following the debut of mice in Jonathan Edwards College, which just opened last month after a year of renovations, the JE custodial supervisor reminded students in an e-mail to empty their recycling and trash bins regularly — and not to throw out food in the bathroom — to help deal with the mouse infestation.
This day in Yale history
1961 The News’ back page featured an advertisement titled “Husbands, Anyone?” that suggested women choose their husbands based on the type of cigarettes they smoke. The ad, sponsored by Marlboro and Philip Morris, also claimed that once a girl has found a man who smokes Marlboro, she should “clasp the man to [her] bosom with hoops of steel” and make sure that he enrolls in engineering so he can earn a “handsome living.”