Stiles’ newest additions, Jane and Zora, were born yesterday morning at 5 a.m to Dean Jennifer Wood. Stiles’ dining hall and entryways are decorated with signs announcing the event and welcoming the twins to their new home.
The twins’ future playmate, Asher Harwood, son of Davenport Dean Craig Harwood, turned one year old yesterday. In celebration, students donned party hats and enjoyed a lunchtime birthday cake treat.
Move over, Tina Fey: There’s a new Palin impersonator in town. Marianna Schuck ’10, a member of Red Hot Poker, interrupted John Gaddis’ Cold War lecture yesterday dressed as Sarah Palin. Schuck interrogated Gaddis, asking whether he had ever met Stalin and what he would do if “Putin reared his ugly head.” The incident was captured on film and will be premiered at Red Hot Poker’s Friday night show at 9 p.m.
Yale loves its veggies, according to peta2, a youth animal rights organization. The group nominated Yale for its Most Vegetarian-Friendly Colleges contest, citing the University’s “vegan waffles, broccoli and tofu casserole, and vegan ravioli with tomato sauce.”
Life-sized puppets have invaded the Elm City, startling students across campus. These disturbingly inanimate figures are in fact the stars of “The Long Christmas Ride Home,” a play directed by Gary Jaffe ’10. Gary notes, “It’s always good to carry the puppets in a group, because that way at least you’re eccentric but with friends.” The show opens at 8 p.m. tonight at the Off-Broadway Theater and will run through the weekend.
Continuing the theme of creatures in residential colleges, maggots were discovered in the basement of Branford College, according to Alicia Heaney, the college’s senior administrative assistant. The source of the infestation was a package of hamburger meat left out in the open. Heaney e-mailed students to inform them of the “ungodly STENCH.”
Flu shots are now being offered in the residential colleges. The clinic will rotate through the colleges until Nov. 18 and will be in Pierson today from 4 until 6:30 p.m.
Obama’s back in Rudolph Hall. The campaign signs were originally removed because an archivist was coming to photograph the building for historical purposes.
This day in Yale history
1969 A top Yale official said that a recent police threat of liquor law enforcement could be permanent. Some fraternities closed their bars voluntarily, but the residential colleges planned to continue their policy of serving beer and wine, but not hard liquor, to all college members.
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