New Haven, vote! Connecticut residents have until today to postmark their voter registration forms. Secretary of the State Susan Bysiewicz announced that those who fail to meet the mail-in deadline have until Oct. 28 at 8 p.m. to register in person at their local town hall.
After 70 years of happy tree life, a Norway Spruce left Seymour, Conn., and moved to the New Haven Green to serve as the annual Christmas decoration. Already. Fernando Lage, who coordinated the replanting, which started yesterday at 3 p.m., argued that the reason for such early festive spirit is the six weeks it takes to attach the 35,000 light bulbs to the city’s Christmas tree every year by the first week of December. See photo, page 3.
Senator week around Yale. Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., will speak to supporters and volunteers in Sen. Barack Obama’s New Haven headquarters at 900 Chapel St. starting at 3 p.m. this afternoon. For those desiring further senatorial face time, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., will be in the Branford Common Room on Friday at 2 p.m.
“Snake-like creatures” were spotted in an open cardboard box outside Entryway J in Pierson College on Sunday night. A concerned student did not hesitate to inform Dean Amerigo Fabbri, who alerted the custodial staff about the “bizarre thing.” The dark slimy creatures turned out to be a couple of eels in a box.
Attention, Light Fellowship rejects. The Greater New Haven Chamber of Commerce offers an all-inclusive trip to China that they describe as “the adventure of a lifetime.” The trip was arranged “for our Chamber members, their families and friends, or anyone simply looking for an adventure,” a press release reported. Optional tours, however, are only available at an additional cost.
Striatum v. Hippocampus. Assistant Professor of Psychiatry Christopher J. Pittenger, M.D., discovered that forgetting one’s dry cleaning, along with certain mental illnesses, originates from a competition between these two areas of the brain. According to Pittenger’s studies, advances in cognitive-behavioral therapy can help substance abusers and O.C.D. patients ameliorate their conditions.
This day in Yale history
1973 Indignant Yale students collected 2,400 signatures in a petition calling on Congress to initiate impeachment proceedings against President Nixon. The students protested Nixon’s firing of special prosecutor Archibald Cox and the president’s refusal to turn over the Watergate tapes. More than 75 percent of the people who were approached signed the petition.
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