The city has missed a self-imposed deadline for constructing three speed humps to curb “drag racing” along Lexington Avenue, Ward 13 Alderman Alexander Rhodeen told the News over the weekend. City Hall spokeswoman Jessica Mayorga said the plans for constructing the humps — originally to be started last week — are “in progress” and will be completed “in a week or two.” Mayorga stressed that the Lexington Avenue construction is simply part of the city’s initiative to encourage traffic calming throughout the wards and does not come in reaction to an impromptu street race that occurred on the Fair Haven Heights street one night last month. She said the race was not “drag racing” but rather “speed racing” because the street is too narrow for two cars to drag race. But Rhodeen said Sunday and Monday that the race — which led to an accident that harmed no one but left six cars totaled — was indeed drag racing. Rhodeen said Monday that drag racing has not been a major problem in his ward. But, he added, Foxon Boulevard, part of state Route 80 and near the ward, has been a prime location of the illegal racing.

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