A six-foot, burly white male was arrested in front of Gourmet Heaven on Broadway Sunday night after he refused to let a police officer check his backpack for stolen items. According to video footage, the man entered the store at 7:36 p.m., wearing a backpack. He grabbed a three-liter water jug and a juice drink, leaving the items on a nearby shelf. He entered the men’s bathroom. Fifteen minutes later, he left the room, placing the items in his backpack. He started to leave. Before the man reached the door, a worker confronted him, and soon a policewoman at the scene asked him to open his bag. When he refused, the officer called for backup. The backup policeman soon pulled the man to the ground and arrested him at 7:59 p.m. On the floor, he cried and spit. “I didn’t even do anything!” the man yelled, according to several witnesses. A repeat Gourmet Heaven thief, according to store owners, the man was taken away on an ambulance stretcher.
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