To the Editor:
Aliza Shvarts ’08 wants to make a statement. And legally speaking, she unfortunately has every right to do so. But by aborting as many pregnancies as possible, the intention of her statement is not “to scandalize anyone.” Hogwash. I’m tempted to speculate that when the magnificent The Interventionist’s Twizzlers-in-the-British-Art-Gallery-Plan failed to generate any questions except, “Can we eat the Twizzlers?”, Schvartz conjured up the “abortion-as-art” concept. Except this time, the stakes are higher than the risk of a handful of dead British painters rolling in their graves.
Ethically, such savagery is patently inexcusable. It seems to me that this should incur outrage not only in Americans who believe such broad “reproductive rights” are nonsense, but also in pro-choice Americans with any iota of understanding about what a difficult decision abortion is for some women. What happened to the gravity of abortion? Should we make a mockery of it for the sake of cheap art?
Yale should also be aware that if the University in any way subsidized the cost of this “masterpiece,” it will undoubtedly suffer a massive public outcry. (Not to mention the fundraising difficulties in the future.)
As a member of Yale’s miniscule pro-life (anti-abortion, anti-choice, whatever) population, I find the reactions of students such as Schvartz’ colleague Castillo ’08, whose master list of “beauty” likely includes “Two Girls, One Cup,” equally revolting.
Schvartz, for my senior project, I offer to buy you a hysterectomy … and a conscience.
Cooper Lewis
April 17
The writer is a freshman in Saybrook College.