Jon Terenzetti ’10 envisions a world in which every Yalie is affected by YSAC — from the freshman at the Spring Fling to the senior living off-campus.
Terenzetti said he hopes to makes his vision a reality by making the student-activities fee mandatory and increasing outreach to smaller groups on campus.
“YSAC and the YCC are the only organizations with the task of representing the whole student body,” Terenzetti said, “so we need to make sure that we are reaching out to a larger portion of the population.”
Even YSAC’s largest event — Spring Fling — is attended by only 2,500 out of Yale’s approximately 5,000 undergraduates, Terenzetti said. He said he wants to convince students that they have a voice in YSAC decisions by strengthening communication, increasing input from students and fostering a sense of community.
Terenzetti added that he plans on revitalizing the Social Cup — which is designed to increase student participation in campuswide events by awarding residential colleges points for attendance — and using it as a method of reaching out to students who may be neglected by YSAC.
“We can use the Social Cup to raise awareness about YSAC events and increase college bonds,” Terenzetti said. “It could really bring YSAC into a role of closer interaction with a greater number of students on campus.”
Terenzetti is currently Davenport College’s representative to YSAC. He also serves on the Davenport College Council and Ivy Council, in addition to being a member of the Yale Alley Cats.