To the Editor:
Along with many other Yale students, I found, “Wanna go on an Exotic Date?,” the first-draft title of an event this evening, to be insulting. Due to the expression of such reservations, the International Student Organization changed the title four days ago. They have made a herculean effort to produce a completely new set of publicity material. That material has already been distributed.
The above facts were unknown to me when I penned Wednesday’s column, “‘Exotic’ title in date auction degrades contestants.” I applaud the ISO leadership for taking quick steps to change the title. I apologize for the negative light in which my column may have portrayed ISO, its members and affiliates. I wrote without contacting any ISO or Amnesty coordinators, out of a sense of urgency. If I had known about the early change in the event’s title, my response would have been different.
Even after the title change, many in ISO maintain that it was not offensive to call people “exotic.” Despite our difference on this point, I hope to work with ISO in the future to promote understanding about diversity, so that all Yale students can see such problems coming and stop them early.
I encourage readers to attend the event in question — a worthwhile charity fundraiser — at BAR today at 7 p.m.
Edwin Everhart
April 10
The writer is a junior in Saybrook College. He is the co-coordinator of the Amnesty International club at Yale.