So any good nicknames?
I get called ARG. My freshman year, our captain gave me the nickname “Je Suis” for “Je suis Guillemette.”
TH: What do you think about Annie “The Jet” Guillemette?
ARG: No.
TH: Do you have any weird pre-game rituals? I used to have to put on my equipment, get taped up and warm-up the exact same way before each game.
ARG: We always do a team warm up but other than that, the only thing I have to do before a game is lace my left skate before my right. No idea why, but it’s always been that way, even as a kid.
TH: How do you think the team is doing this year?
ARG: We’re doing really well. We’re a lot smaller compared to a lot of years. Last year we had to sit two girls each game. This year everyone gets to dress and play. It makes everyone a lot closer and it really helps the team dynamic on the ice. I think it’s made us a lot better.
TH: You’re sitting at 9-8-4 and seventh in the ECAC. What needs to happen for the rest of the season?
ARG: We need to keep winning. The league this year has been jumping around so it’s hard to say who is going to get into the playoffs. We need to start playing more disciplined. Our team is known for getting a lot of penalties, and it really affects how we play. If we stay out of the penalty box, that will probably help us out a lot.
TH: How does it feel to be only one of two seniors on the team?
ARG: Last year we had seven or eight seniors, so to go from that to two is definitely a change. Our junior class is a really good class this year. Being the only senior player [Shivon Zillis ’08 is a goalie], it’s hard to get the team going by yourself but if you have a good junior class behind you, it’s fine. It’s not something that’s bad.
TH: Better crowds: high school or Yale?
ARG: Definitely Yale. In high school, the hockey team was not really important because I played for the city. Even when I played for the city, we only got parents and family. Here, we get friends cheering for us. And the band comes out sometimes, and it’s great.
TH: What was your most embarrassing hockey moment?
ARG: My sophomore year, we had our first exhibition game, my first game I ever played, at Princeton. We had to be at the rink and packed on the bus in the morning. I had set my alarm that night but the next morning, it didn’t go off. I slowly woke up to my roommate banging on the wall next to me and telling me that my teammates had ran to my room but were locked out and then had to run back to catch the bus. The team had already left. The coach stayed behind and was waiting for me. I had to ride to Princeton in my coach’s car. Everyone says that, “They’re going to leave you if you miss the bus,” and people are like, “Yeah right.” But they actually do.
TH: If the field hockey team and the women’s ice hockey team played each other …
ARG: Don’t ask me that question.
TH: Who would win? Let’s say in field hockey just because not everyone can skate.
ARG: I’d have to say ice hockey. Even though the sports are completely different, field hockey uses completely different muscles, and the skills are different, I’d still have to go with ice hockey.
TH: So the ECAC teams are doing a breast cancer awareness program called “Pink in the Rink” and the players will be wearing specially designed pink jerseys that will later be auctioned off for charity. What are your thoughts about wearing pink jerseys?
ARG: It’s definitely going to be really strange. Pink is a really girly color and ice hockey is not a girly sport. But it’s for breast cancer and it’s a change from the regular white and blue uniforms. Anything we can do to help and if it’s wearing pink jerseys, then that’s what we’ll do. I like pink. I’m not against pink. Pink is a color like any other color.
TH: I guess your parents are going to be buying your jersey.
ARG: They probably will. My mom will be online. I wonder if we get pink socks.
TH: What if you saw some stranger walking around campus with a pink No. 13 jersey on?
ARG: I would go up to them and shake their hands and be like, “You are my hero.” I would laugh a little, but it’d be kind of an honor.
TH: If you were going to participate in the NCAA Frozen Four Skills Challenge, what would be your skill?
ARG: That is a bad question for me. Backward skating? I like backward skating better than forward skating because I play defense.
TH: Name one thing you have to do before you graduate.
ARG: In hockey, it’s definitely to make the Frozen Four. We haven’t done that ever, so to do that my senior year would be great. Not just for me but for my entire team.
TH: And at Yale?
ARG: Have a mango martini in my last class. I love mango martinis from Hot Tomato’s. To have one in my last class would be quite the accomplishment.
TH: So what’s it going to be like after your final game?
ARG: I’m going to tear a little. It’s going to be really sad sitting there with my equipment and thinking what’s it going to be like taking that equipment off. I guess I’m going to be a non-athlete, right? Being labeled as a non-athlete at a Div. I school, it’s going to be different. I want to say I’m going to concentrate on classes more, but it’s my spring semester senior year so I’m going to have some fun with my friends. I’ve been playing hockey since I was nine. So to have it taken away from me, it’s like taking candy away from a kid.
TH: Are you going to continue playing after college?
ARG: I’ve been playing hockey for a really long time, so after Yale I’m definitely going to take some time off from it. Get a job, graduate with an econ degree. Hockey will still definitely be a passion for me, but I won’t be playing at a competitive level. Every now and then, I’ll go to the rink with friends and shoot some pucks.
TH: “Shoot some pucks.” Usually, it’s going to the gym and shooting some hoops.
ARG: Shoot some pucks. That’s at least what we say in Northern Ontario. Every neighborhood where I come from has a rink so we grab our skates and sticks and go shoot some pucks.
TH: New York Giants or New England Patriots?
ARG: Are they the teams in the playoffs?
TH: No, they’re actually playing in the Super Bowl. I’ll forgive you though because you’re French-Canadian.
TH: Final thoughts?
ARG: Come to home games. Why should fans go to the men’s hockey game and not the women’s? Answer that question.