LITR 300 Introduction to the Theory of Literature
Everyone we know is in this class. If you’re not in this class, we don’t know you.
HSAR 328 Twentieth-Century Art
Unless you’re in this class. We know you, too.
MATH 108 Estimation and Error: Sizing Things Up
“The first main topic of the course is approximate arithmetic” — the only kind of math we do! A calculator is “recommended.”
MUSI 488 Myths About Mozart
This will be like Star, plus pianos.
ENGL 441 Walt Whitman
According to some people we talked to, professor Michael Warner is the guy who INVENTED THE TERM “HETERONORMATIVITY.” Wow!
AKKD 101 Elementary Akkadian
Is this a language?
ANTH 327 Socialisms & Postsocialisms
Concurrent enrollment in LING 100: World Englishes recommended.
CSDC 350 Family in Jewish Tradition
Taught by Dr. Ruth, who sets aside 15 minutes of each class for discussion of sex. We like sex! And Jews! And sex with Jews! Awesome.
EP&E 436 Ethics of Humanitarian Intervention
Recently, a freshman standing behind us characterized the EP&E major as “badass.” This is probably the kind of seminar he will take when he is older. And wiser.
BENG 464 Tissue Engineering
Like gift wrap!
FILM 335 Bodily Performance in American Film
This almost sounds like something we would take.
ENGL 452 Intermediate Fiction Writing
An hour and fifty minutes each week with the whimsical and attractive Jonathan “Safran” Foer. Everything is illuminated … in your pants.
PHYS 465 General Relativity: Theory and Experiment
If we took this class, we would come in every day with an honest sense of wonder at the majesty of the universe. Maybe we would weep.