Hi Stephanie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m a freshman in Silliman college and am SO excited about the idea of writing for your magazine (I’ve been looking for an opportunity to develop my ambitious feature ideas [and, believe me, I have LOTS of them, even though I’ve only been in New Haven for what, two weeks now?] and I think your magazine would give me the P-E-R-F-E-C-T opportunity to try them out) so I just wanted to register my interest and send you my writing samples and tell you a little bit about who I am and what sort of things I’m interested in and why I’d be an awesome addition to your team.
First off, I have tons of experience with journalism (I was interviewed once by a journalist from my local paper, the Westrollinghillsford Gazette, about the NGO I started in high school to send stuffed animals to children in war-torn, famine-stricken, locust-ridden Kyrgyzstan, where stuffed animals are outlawed and laughing is punishable by death, and I talked to him about what it was like being a journalist so I think I know the ropes). I would be happy to help with writing or editing or art or layout or pizza or whatever you need me for. I know I would have TONS of fun.
I’m really interested in fiction and humor and poetry and investigative journalism, so I know I would be a good addition to your team, as I said before. I think my real talent lies in poetry, but I don’t know for sure because I haven’t written any yet, but in the meantime I’ve attached several pieces of prose that I wrote when I was in second grade that I think are pretty good (I’ve gone back to them many times over the course of my celebrated school career and I think they’ve withstood the test of time). I hope you’ll look over them and give them a thorough thinking-through. I’ve also attached a piece of literary criticism for my essay “A Westrollinghillsford Childhood” from the 54th issue of New American Elementary School Literature (it’s called “Shards of Memory: A Memoir”).
I’m also planning on triple-majoring in Art, Chemical Engineering, and Ethics, Politics, and Economics.
Also: I just wanted to ask you: is it okay if I maybe only come to one of the bimonthly meetings every month? Or would it be okay if we maybe just changed it to meet once a month altogether? I’m going be really busy with Yale Symphony Orchestra and Yale Entrepreneurial Society and Yale Political Union and Yaledancers and Yale Klezmer Band and Yale Tango Club and Yale Students for Christ and Yale Muslim Students Association and Yale Builders of a Brighter Cambodian Community and Yalies For Pakistan and Yalies Against Pakistan and AIESEC and MACA and MECHA and SATAY and YTUB and YPHD and YLSD and also with my newfound social life. Also, I’m rushing a cappella, so I was hoping we could postpone interviews until mid-November.
Alright, I think that’s about it for now. Anyway, again, I’m SO excited about coming to work for the Journalistic News Journal of Yale College and I hope that you have a TERRIFIC start to your semester!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!