The New Haven Action Fund, a campus political action fund set up to urge more students to participate in city politics, has endorsed Greg Morehead for Ward 22 alderman.
After discussions that lasted “a while,” according to the group’s spokesman, Noah Kazis ’09, the group decided unanimously that Morehead’s unique approach to politics — “his ability to unite different kinds of community” — as well as his support for youth, business and labor unions, deserved the group’s endorsement.
“NHA-Fund lauded his proven ability to work with students, who make up one-third of the ward’s population,” Kazis wrote in a press release, adding in an interview that it was a “combination” of Morehead’s traits that made him shine above other, similarly impressive contenders for the seat.
NHAF sponsored Monday’s debate between three of four candidates for Ward 22: Morehead, Reggie Lytle and Lisa Hopkins. While endorsing Morehead, the endorsement referred to all three as offering “complementary visions for the ward.” Many who attended the debate had said it was unclear who had emerged the victor.
The endorsement board also reached out to Cordelia Thorpe, who could not attend the debate due to a family emergency, to hear her positions on issues, Kazis said.
News of the endorsement lightened an otherwise stressful day for Morehead, who spent the afternoon trying to correct an erroneous handout that has been circulated by an anonymous author throughout Ward 22. It asserts that Morehead has a criminal record, including domestic violence charges and a past restraining order, and that his repeated applications to the New Haven and Yale police forces had been rejected.
Morehead, who is now circulating a letter from his wife to vouch for his integrity and family values, said that four years ago, he was arrested after a loud verbal — not physical — argument with his wife, which spurred a neighbor to call the police. Although he had never laid on a hand on his wife, he said, standard procedure required that he be arrested, and the charges were later dropped. A background search conducted by the News indicated that Morehead has no criminal record in any state in which he has resided.
Although he has been rejected by the Yale Police Department, he said, the rejection letter gave no indication as to why.
“My wife and I have a beautiful relationship and three beautiful kids,” Morehead said. “This is another attempt to sidetrack me.”
The election will be held Monday, April 16, and the ward polling place is located at 55 Foote St. The Yale College Democrats will offer buses to and from the polling location.
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