Television audiences will see Rory Gilmore — of the CW primetime drama “Gilmore Girls” — through her senior year at Yale this season, and 14 Yalies involved in one real-life senior tradition will make an appearance on the show.
Yale’s Whiffenpoofs, the all-male, all-senior a cappella group, will be featured in an upcoming episode of the show, Whiffenpoofs members said Sunday. Business Manager Mark Wittman ’07 said the group’s appearance, which will be its second on the show, is still in the preliminary stages of planning. A script will be made available to the group today, so no details about the plot were available at press time, but the a cappella members said their latest star turn has been a long time coming.
“We’ve worked with [the show] in the past and so we’ve been in touch with them since our last performance,” Wittman said. “The producers are very excited about the opportunity.”
The Whiffenpoofs were featured on “Gilmore Girls” in November 2003 during the show’s fourth season in a Harvard-Yale tailgate setting. Group members that year were flown out to the show’s set on the west coast, where they had to feign chills in the Californian heat.
“I’m really excited,” Whiffenpoofs member Glenton Davis ’07 said. “Our year is very special. We’re really close as people and this is a great opportunity to share the work that we’ve done with each other musically.”
Davis has toured the “Gilmore Girls” set previously as part of the Alley Cats — a Yale a cappella jazz group — but said the opportunity to meet the cast and appear on the show will set this visit well apart.
Whiffenpoofs members said the show could help raise their profile, but some members also said the show has a lot to gain from the exchange.
“It’s a reason to watch ‘Gilmore Girls’ when it comes out,” Whiffenpoof member Jared Schwede ’07 said.
Monica Wood ’09, who said she has been a fan of the show since high school, said she expects the Whiffenpoofs’ television appearance to help attract applicants by highlighting one of Yale’s many high-profile extracurricular activities.
“Yale gets a lot of good exposure from the show,” Wood said. “I didn’t know much about [Yale] before applying, but seeing it on the show inspired me to look into it.”
Other “Gilmore Girls” plotlines in recent seasons have focused on a variety of Yale institutions — including Rory’s election as editor-in-chief of the Yale Daily News.
Aside from “Gilmore Girls”, the Whiffs have also been featured on the fictional political drama “The West Wing” and were invited to perform at the White House in 2003. Every summer they embark on a 13-week world tour, which in the past has taken the group from Las Vegas to Beirut to Kilimanjaro. This summer’s tour is still in the planning stages.