We write to re-endorse Larry Wise ’08 for Yale College Council president. We have extensive experience with Larry — as YCC members, peers and friends — and believe he is not only the better candidate but ultimately the better leader. We wholeheartedly encourage his election.
Larry believes earnestly the YCC can be more than dining halls and dances. This past year, the YCC has made immense strides proving itself as an effective administrative body. Larry led the resolution for a comprehensive review of the Sexual Assault Grievance Board; he organized the YCC’s creation of further security measures such as increased police forces and the new Blue Line bus route. He was one of three students who pushed for renovations in Morse, Stiles and Calhoun. Larry is the man to lead the council into this new generation.
Larry Wise is much more than his agenda or credentials. Larry represents unyielding principles and an undying desire to, as he says, “get things done.” We have watched his exceptional passion mature into a steady comprehension of what needs to be done and how to do it.
Larry leads by example and cooperation. Of all five candidates originally in the presidential race, and of the two remaining, Larry brings more diplomatic and progressive skills. He proved his ability to inspire others and to best use others’ input. He was the leading vote-getter in the primary election; he earned the trust and admiration of 847 peers, as well as the endorsements of the Asian-American Student Alliance, the Latin American Student Organization, the Women’s Center, Sigma Phi Epsilon and, tellingly, 10 current YCC representatives. Being a president entails the unique capacity to see beyond oneself. Larry can do this better than any candidate we’ve seen.
Larry is running for president for all the right reasons. He truly wants to shape the council — and the University — into a better, more promising institution. Each step he has taken during this election has been made with unmatched integrity. He’s not in this for grandstanding, a resume, a powertrip or even his own agenda. He’s in this for Yale.
While we acknowledge Emery Choi ’07 is a worthy choice, we believe that Larry Wise is the better candidate. He has our support. We hope he has yours as well. Please, vote Larry Wise for YCC president.
Andrew Cedar is a senior in Ezra Stiles College and was 2004-05 YCC president. R. David Edelman is a junior in Calhoun College and is a YCC representative. Christopher Wells is a senior in Ezra Stiles College and is a former YCC representative.