To the Editor:

Last week, the News published an article entitled “YSFP is unlikely to expand” (2/22). But I worry students did not get an accurate idea of the larger picture.

Ernst Huff, associate vice president for student financial and administrative services, said, “improved efficiency over the past year will allow for some expansion of the Project.” A substantial number of students support full expansion of the YSFP, as shown by a petition that received about 2,400 signatures. To dismiss a student petition of this scale as “not particularly credible,” as Deputy Provost Lloyd Suttle does in the article, is dubious. .

Student support for the YSFP has been shown many times. Fall survey results show that 89 percent of participants hoped to see YSFP expand, and a recent YaleStation survey was overwhelmingly supportive: 80 percent of students said they would eat in their residential colleges more often if there were more sustainable food. The News attempts to give both sides of the story by giving one positive and one negative response from the student survey, but really, only 3 percent of the written responses were negative.

Hannah Burnett ’08

March 2, 2006