To the Editor:
Re “Former prof loses ruling over patent,” 2/14: As co-inventors with professor John Fenn of the electrospray mass spectrometry technology for which he was awarded the 2002 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, we are outraged that the Yale administration would malign such a good man just to win a lawsuit. “Vindicating the Yale patent policy” is a poor excuse for treating a Nobel Laureate with a 68-year association with and dedicated service to the University, in such a contemptible manner. We have all benefited from John’s wise guidance over the years and respect and admire him not only for his scientific achievements but also for his honesty and integrity. We hope, when the thrill of victory fades, the administration will realize the terrible mistake it has made and the damage this matter will cause to Yale’s reputation in science and engineering.
Michael Labowsky MED ’77
Matthias Mann MED ’88
Chin-Kai Meng MED ’88
Masamichi Yamashita ’80-’83 Post Doc
Feb. 25, 2005