Speaking at a special worship Sunday morning at the Afro-American Cultural Center, Pastor Nadine Lowe talked to women about their religious and social value.
“[God] chose you to be his diamond at Yale University,” Lowe said.
Hosted by the Black Church at Yale, or BCAY, the service wrapped up the three-day celebration of Women’s Day Weekend, which focused on “Women living in the realm of more than enough.” The weekend also included a film screening and discussions.
Each event was orchestrated to celebrate and challenge women of faith, Women’s Day Committee member Lindsey Greene ’04 said.
“I hope the events nurtured and empowered the people that came,” she said.
Saturday featured a workshop with Pastor Tresti Cunningham on “Needs, Wants & Desires.” Women’s Day Committee member Sherrise Pond ’06 said the events demonstrated that human needs and desires can be “reconciled with God’s word.”
“I do have the power to say no, and I know I’m not here for anyone else,” Pond said.
About 70 people attended the final event of the weekend, a Sunday worship with Lowe, Pastor of the Alpha Omega Christian Fellowship at Trinton Falls, N.J. Lowe told the women they must use their faith and intelligence to change the world.
“God is doing a work in the young people today,” Lowe said. “You are going to make a difference.”
In her sermon, Lowe compared the women present to diamonds, saying they are “impenetrable” and able to “leave a mark on any other.”
Lowe said in conclusion that she implored the women to change the world after they leave Yale.
“You shine where there is darkness,” Lowe said. “Don’t think that Yale is the end of the line for you.”
Lindsey Ford ’05 said she valued hearing Lowe’s perspective.
“I enjoyed that they brought in outside women, and I appreciated the leadership of the women in the church,” she said.
Planning for the weekend was headed by the 10-member Women’s Day Committee. Olukemi Kay Fajolu ’04, a member of the committee, said she was happy with the way the weekend proceeded.
“Everything kind of flowed the way it should have,” she said. “The committee was really dedicated to making it happen.”
Two years ago, the BCAY held a similar three-day event, Fajolu said, but they were not able to host one last year. She said she was impressed by the turnout this year, which grew with each event throughout the weekend.
Fajolu personally appreciated the speakers for their insight into religion and womanhood, she said.
“There’s something to being in a place where you realize that the potential in your life is more than you see,” Fajolu said.
Greene said the BCAY plans several events throughout the year to “reach out to the Yale community.”
The BCAY currently has a Men’s Day Weekend planned for April 18, said Dexter Upshaw ’06, one of the organizers for the event.
The BCAY’s Women’s Day celebration is part of International Women’s Day, held March 8. Joan Burnett, pastor for the BCAY, said Women’s Day was “to honor God’s leading ladies.”
Given the turnout, Pond said she had no doubt the weekend was a success.
“I think the women that attended got something very important out of [the speakers],” she said.