To the editor:
This week, the Jewish and Muslim communities on campus have come together to mourn and to celebrate. On Monday night, Yale Hillel and the Muslim Students’ Association met on Beinecke Plaza to honor the victims of last week’s bombings of two Istanbul synagogues. On Tuesday, Hillel hosted the MSA at the Slifka Center for an iftaar, the traditional Muslim feast that breaks the Ramadan fast.
We understand that current political realities can serve as an excuse for driving our peoples apart. Nevertheless, we hope that our privileged position as Yale students, living and working together in a community of learning, will enable us to continue to cross the boundaries that so often divide religious groups in conflict. We are proud of the many Jewish and Muslim students at Yale for coming together during these difficult times for consolation, encouragement, worship and sustenance.
Yale Hillel
Yale MSA
Jews and Muslims at Yale
November 19, 2003