To the Editor:
I join with thousands of other Yale students who deeply regret the decision made by the producers of “JEOPARDY!” to “postpone indefinitely” the filming of the show in New Haven. This decision means our city will lose out on direct spending of more than $1 million, the hiring of more than 100 people to work on the production, and the priceless value of positive prime-time exposure during sweeps week on national television.
This decision proves once again the harm that the strike called by union leaders does to everyone in our community — workers, students and the entire city. While both the University and the unions surely have valid points to their contract arguments, it is clear once again that the union leadership’s tactics of division and conflict that have been promoted by individuals such as my opponent, Alderman Ben Healey ’04, create real and lasting damage for the New Haven community.
Daniel Kruger ’04
September 16, 2003
The writer is an independent candidate for Ward 1 Alderman.