Two changes are in store for Amtrak passengers beginning April 28.
Amtrak announced that business class fares on its Acela Express trains traveling between Boston and New York City will be decreased by 22 percent. A new overnight train, the Federal, will also begin working its route between Washington, D.C and Boston.
“There are signs that the business travel market may be ready for recovery and we are positioning ourselves to take advantage of that,” Amtrak spokesman Dan Stessel said of the price reduction.
The reduced fares are limited to passengers traveling on Acela Express trains going between Boston and Metropark, NJ or stopping at an intermediate destination. The prices on Amtrak Regional trains, which also serve the northeast, and the charge to go to destinations further south will not change.
The peak fare on a New York to Boston train will now be $99, down from $127. A first-class upgrade will now cost less than $50.
“Amtrak and its board is responsible for pricing and service decisions,” FRA spokesman Rob Gould said. “The Department of Transportation’s role is to make sure that Amtrak meets its revenue forecast contained in its business plan or otherwise reduces operating cost, as required by law.”
Monday will also see the launch of an overnight train traveling between Washington and Boston. Northbound, the train will leave New Haven at 3:23 a.m and arrive in Boston at 8:15 a.m, and the southbound train will leave New Haven at 12:30 a.m. and arrive in Washington at 7:30 a.m.
–Tom Sullivan