The Yale College academic review and the University’s budget will dominate the agenda of this weekend’s meeting of the Yale Corporation, the University’s highest governing body, Yale officials said.
University Secretary Linda Lorimer said Corporation members would spend a significant portion of time during their meeting discussing the recommendations of the Committee on Yale College Education, which spent more than a year evaluating the University’s undergraduate curriculum. The Corporation will also discuss Yale’s budget and will likely receive information on campus reaction to the war in Iraq, sources said.
“The major subject of this meeting is a serious review of the Yale College curriculum study, which is deserving of serious attention by the Corporation since it is the first time in 30 years that there has been a substantial review,” Lorimer said.
Vice President for Development Charles Pagnam said he thinks the discussion will focus on the content of the review, rather than funding issues.
“At least at this meeting, I think there will be no discussion about our ability to secure funding for this,” Pagnam said. “This is the opportunity for [Corporation members] to ask questions of the dean and to applaud the work of the committee, which I think is tremendous.”
Yale President Richard Levin estimated that implementing the Committee’s recommendations would cost hundreds of millions of dollars. Pagnam said University officials will begin a capital campaign to support the review in the fall of 2004 or sometime in 2005.
Yale College Dean Richard Brodhead, who said he has already spoken to the Corporation two or three times about the academic review, said the trustees would devote this afternoon to discussing the review committee’s recommendations. Corporation members will place special emphasis on the report’s most in-depth sections, Brodhead said. The recommendations released last week include creating a new science center on central campus and increasing the size of Yale’s faculty by 10 percent.
“We’ll just have a discussion,” Brodhead said. “They’ll have interesting questions.”
Provost Susan Hockfield said the Corporation will also discuss financial issues, including the University’s budget.
Corporation Senior Fellow John Pepper ’60 said the Corporation would also show their “appreciation [and] congratulations” to Levin, who will celebrate his 10th anniversary as Yale’s president next week.
Gaddis Smith, professor emeritus of history, said the Corporation may discuss the recent war-related threat and vandalism incidents informally.
“I am sure President Levin will report to them on how the campus is responding to the war,” Smith said. “He keeps them informed.”
During the last Corporation meeting in February, members approved plans for the renovation of Pierson College, set the value of next year’s term bill, and discussed the community’s response to the Jan. 17 car crash that killed four Yale students and injured five others.