The board of governors at Mory’s has recently resolved to change the offerings on the restaurant’s storied menu to bring in younger clientele and at the same time “keep Mory’s Mory’s.”
The new menu is the result of the “Menu Madness” promotion during January. During the time of the promotion, current members had the opportunity to sample a number of new dishes — which are now on the regular dinner menu — and select their favorites. These choices went on to shape the new, student-oriented menu.
So far, the new dishes have been a hit not only because of their appetizing tastes but also because of their modest prices.
“[The menu] has a lighter selection now; the prices are reasonable. The key ingredients of what makes Mory’s Mory’s are the same: the lamb chops, rarebits, and claves are still there,” Mory’s member Graham Boettcher GRD ’05 said. “They have tinkered with [the menu] just enough to accommodate to the student budget — not to the extent of changing Mory’s essence, but within the limits of keeping Mory’s Mory’s.”
The updated regular menu is not the only new feature at Mory’s. Tuesday through Saturday nights, the restaurant will offer a special discount menu designed just for students. The menu will include the same dishes from the regular menu but with lower prices, along with select entrees, fast food and some different main dishes.
In its more than 150-year existence, Mory’s has kept true to its tradition. Anyone who visits Mory’s today would still find the cozy atmosphere and friendly staff. The carved wooden tables, the bistro chairs, the walls covered with Yale team pictures, and the oars hanging from the ceiling remain and create a familiar ambience. But the enduring features of Mory’s have been challenged by students’ changing tastes.
“Keeping Mory’s Mory’s has been confining for everyone,” new manager Jim Shumway said. “We are a private club and have restrictions. But we try to find new ways to say ‘yes’ to new ideas as much as we can.”
Since the changes have started, more students have joined the club and have had the chance to sample Mory’s staples along with new fare — under the menu heading “And Now For Something Completely Different –” — designed with Yale students in mind. Shumway, who started working at Mory’s over six months ago, said he has high hopes for the new menu.
At this point, whether Mory’s will continue is no longer a question, Shumway said. Rather, the open issue is whether the longtime Yalie favorite will flourish.
“Mory’s is going to live as long as the students join. To keep this going, we need to get new members and ‘Keep Mory’s Mory’s’,” Shumway said.