In a mutual decision, the Harvard Graduate School of Education, or HGSE, and actress Jane Fonda have decided to reduce Fonda’s proposed contribution for the creation of a new center on gender and education.

Fonda pledged $12.5 million to establish the center in 2001. According to a Harvard press release, Fonda and the University changed the terms of the contract for several reasons, including “the prolonged slump in the stock market as well as [Harvard] rules regarding research centers.”

Under the new agreement, unspent funds and pledges from the original gift will revert to Fonda, who will continue to fund Project ASSERT at the HGSE. Project ASSERT is a curriculum development project that addresses teachers’ understandings of gender, race and class as well as the impact of these factors on their students’ education.

“Although we have had to cut back our aspirations, the core vision remains,” Fonda said in the press release. “My gift will continue to help the Harvard Graduate School of Education increase teachers’ understanding of gender, race and class.”

HGSE Dean Ellen Condliffe Lagemann said the school is grateful for Fonda’s contributions.

“Her gift complements our mission of conducting research and teaching that will have the greatest impact on educational policy and practice,” Lagemann said in the press release.

–Lindsey Mergener