Yale College Dean Richard Brodhead responded by e-mail Tuesday to charges 76 undergraduates filed against Yale President Richard Levin last week.
The four charges said that Levin had violated Yale College Undergraduate Regulations and asked that he be “held to the same standards” as any other member of the Yale community. All of the charges dealt with problems in the atmosphere at the University for union supporters.
Brodhead’s response said that the Undergraduate Regulations state that the process is available for complaints “against a member of the faculty or administration of Yale College.” The letter said the complaints refer to Levin’s responsibilities as president, which are outside the scope of the dean’s discretion. Brodhead told the students that they should direct their complaint to the senior fellow of the Yale Corporation.
Alek Felstiner ’04, one of the 76 students who filed a complaint, said he believed Brodhead’s letter was “oblique.” He said that his personal response to the letter was that it was a “pathetic brush-off.”
“The most striking part of it for me is that he gave the impression that President Levin is not accountable to anyone,” he said.
He said that the students, many of whom are members of the Undergraduate Organizing Committee, do not have any further plans of action at the moment.
–Shinzong Lee