Activists and dance enthusiasts should both appreciate a benefit performance by Yale and New Haven dance troupes this Saturday.

Sponsored by the Alliance for Dance at Yale, “Stand Up and Dance,” will include the full force of the dance scene at Yale, including YaleDancers, Danceworks, Rhythmic Blue, A Different Drum, Phoenix, Konjo!, as well as the New Haven Ballet and performers from the Educational Center for the Arts.

Alexis Ortiz ’04, events coordinator for ADAY, predicts that the event will make $1,500.

Each of the participating groups will share one or two routines gleaned from performances over the past year.

The benefit is in its fifth year, but the inclusion of non-Yale groups for the first time this year will help ADAY fulfill its mission to reach out to the city.

“We’re excited to draw in New Haven residents to watch,” Ortiz said. “It’s a different feeling in the audience and that plays into the dance.”

This year, the money will go to the AIDS Interfaith Network, which offers crisis intervention, medical screenings, employment assistance, HIV education, counseling, and legal assistance to New Haven residents. In the past, beneficiaries of the event have included the New Haven Boys and Girls Club and the New Haven Homeless Resource Center.

The performance will take place at 8 p.m. at Yale University’s Off Broadway Theater. Admission is $10 for adults and $5 for students.