If students surfing the Web should stumble upon Forbes Magazine’s site, they will find two School of Management professors listed there.
Professors William Goetzmann and Robert Shiller were listed in the winter 2001 issue of Forbes.com’s Best of the Web among the “best of the business school gurus.” They were commended for their comprehensive Web sites on business, investments and finance.
“A year’s tuition at top B-schools will cost you at least $28,000,” the article said. “On the Net you can enjoy classroom Webcasts from the Fuqua School, get market commentary from a Wharton maven, even bet on political and economic events — all while learning market dynamics.”
Goetzmann is a professor of finance and management studies and the director of the International Center for Finance at the School of Management. Shiller is a professor of economics.
Both were mentioned alongside seven other top business school professors in the nation who also had set up worthwhile web sites, including professors from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business, Stanford, Duke, New York University, the University of California at Berkeley, the University of Southern California, and the University of Iowa.
“I have no idea [how they found me] — it came as a complete surprise,” Goetzmann said.
Goetzmann’s Web site, viking.som.yale.edu, covers discussions of several economic theories and topics, advanced research projects, information on his courses, and a look at his work-in-progress — a book on the history of financing. The site also displays his personal interest in art, including original oil paintings based on a trip to Egypt.
“Goetzmann covers all types of investments — from stocks to art — on his Yale School of Management home page,” Forbes said of Goetzmann’s wide-ranging site. “The Learning Curves section of the site provides a needed break from stodgy academia.”
Shiller’s Web site, www.econ.yale.edu/~shiller, was commended for its inclusion of details from his behavioral finance conferences, providing links to the home pages of the presenting professors.
But Forbes also said the Web site was lacking in information on Shiller’s courses at Yale.
“Robert Shiller is another professor — whose sage-like market timing made him famous,” the article said. “His site contains a number of his academic articles and data sets used in his book but little else.”
Goetzmann said he was encouraged by Forbes’ mention of his and Shiller’s Web sites.
“The recognition is great for the School of Management,” Goetzmann said. “It was a pleasant surprise, and I welcome more visits to my site.”