To the Editor:
As the author of the Yale College Council resolution supporting an extension for the nomination by petition of Rev. David Lee DIV ’93 for the Yale Corporation, I was happy to see an article about the Reverend’s campaign (“City minister pushing for spot on trustee ballot,” 9/25).
But the article mentioned that the Yale Corporation has one fellow, Charles Ellis ’59, who lives in New Haven.
The fact, referenced to Yale President Richard Levin, was apparently intended to suggest that the Corporation’s existing inclusion of a voice from the New Haven community. I feel it is important the Yale community is clear about this issue.
Ellis is a long-time resident of Greenwich, Conn. In 1972, he founded the internationally renowned consulting firm, Greenwich Associates, in Greenwich. There he owns a residence where he receives his mail.
In the summer of 2000, Ellis married University Secretary Linda Lorimer, so there is no doubt he now spends considerable amount of time in New Haven. But this newfound residence in no way supports the idea that Ellis can represent the views of New Haven’s local community as well as Lee, the pastor of New Haven’s oldest African-American congregation, a lifelong resident and moral and cultural leader.
The Yale Corporation should admit it needs to include an authentic leader from the local community.
Ted Wittenstein ’04
September 26, 2001
The writer is a representative of the Yale College Council.