Although getting connected to the Internet and setting up computers may seem frustrating, it does not have to be a confusing process. Before arriving at Yale, be sure to activate your NetID, your individual identification code, by going to; you will need your NetID for e-mail and to access the Yale network. Once you are on campus, you should pick up your Information Technology Services packet by going to Linsly-Chittenden Hall on either Aug. 31 or Sept. 1. In your packet you will find a networking manual, a brochure about computing assistants, and your Toll Authorization Number, which is used to make long distance phone calls. If you need further help, there will be a Computing at Yale help session on Sept. 2 in Davies Auditorium where you can ask questions. Finally, to get onto the Yale network you will need an ethernet card, which can be obtained at the Yale Bookstore or any electronics store for $50 to $100.

–YDN Staff