Yale College Council officer elections concluded Friday with Vid Prabhakaran ’03 elected president, EB Kelly ’03 elected vice-president, Yael Zeira ’03 elected treasurer and Ames Brown ’02 elected chair of the Undergraduate Organization Funding Committee. Ryan Sheely ’04 defeated Naved Sheikh ’03 in the secretary race after a run-off election concluded yesterday.
Next year’s officers collectively have much YCC experience, and all said they have goals for more YCC-sponsored activities, more communication between YCC and students and more effective representation of students’ interests.
Nearly 40 percent of the student body — 2,075 students — voted online in the elections last week. Candidates and organizers agreed that the election went smoothly.
“I think this campaign process, from the inside, seemed more professional and more clean,” Zeira said. “Last year, it was ambiguous how fair some things were.”
Leah Zimmerman ’02, the outgoing YCC vice president, thought the online election process was a success.
“I was pleased with the turnout,” Zimmerman said.
Zimmerman gave some credit for this year’s turnout to a new election format. In previous years students voted on the Telnet system. This year, the election was online and run by YaleStation.org.
“It was a big change to switch to online voting,” Zimmerman said. “We would have had much lower turnout if we had used Telnet.”
Zimmerman also said glitches in the online voting process early in the week did not hurt turnout.
“I am confident that everyone who wanted to vote got to vote,” Zimmerman said.
Prabhakaran, who was elected president with 40 percent of the vote, served this year as YCC treasurer. He said his major goals for the upcoming year were to have a fall concert and to represent undergraduate views to the administration.
“The first thing we are all looking for is a fall concert,” he said. “We are meeting with [Assistant to the President] Nina Glickson this Thursday to start that up.”
Kelly has represented Branford College on YCC and the Freshman Class Council, and was elected vice president with nearly 44 percent of the vote. Kelly said her major objective next year will be to improve communication between the council and undergraduates.
“YCC needs to made more open to the student body,” she said.
She said she will suggest publishing the YCC agenda in the Yale Daily News to encourage students who are not members of YCC to participate at meetings.
Sheely, who joined the YCC in January as a representative of Morse College and who will be the only sophomore on the board next year, won yesterday’s run-off election by 23 votes. A total of 547 students voted in the run-off election. Sheikh received eight votes more than Sheely in the original vote last week.
Sheely’s suitemate said Sheely was in New York and could not be reached for comment.
Treasurer-elect Zeira won with almost 51 percent of the vote and has been a YCC representative of Silliman College for two years. She has plans for improving both student activities — she mentioned seeking corporate sponsors to fund concerts — and the operations of the council.
“I’d like to put up the YCC budget and expenditures on the Web site,” Zeira said.
Brown, who will be the only senior on the executive board next year, served as a member of the UOFC last year and won with nearly 45 percent of the vote. Brown said he will work next year to better streamline and publicize the activities of the UOFC.
Brown said he would like “better transparency with the UOFC with the results of each meeting published” so that applicants for money know their request was treated fairly.
All the officers-elect said they were looking forward to working with the new board.
“Everyone on the [new] board has proven able to get things done,” Prabhakaran said. “It’s going to be a great group of people.”