To the Editor:

Movimiento Estudiantil Chicana/o de Aztlan (MEChA) has chosen not to endorse any candidates for the current Yale College Council election. We have found that the candidates and the YCC have fallen very short in addressing the needs of our community and therefore do not accurately represent us.

Something MEChA seeks and does not find in candidates and campus organizations such as the YCC are people who show commitment and are active in learning about and participating in the different ethnic and cultural groups on campus. Showing up to one meeting to introduce oneself does not by any means equate to showing dedication, support or respect.

Although MEChA does not endorse a candidate, we explicitly disapprove of candidates whose platform clashes with MEChA philosophy. This includes candidates who are opposed to programs that we feel are essential to helping create a sense of community and security which enable minority students to realize their full potential (The Ethnic Counselor Program, Cultural Connections, etc.), also disapproving of those who have implied that these programs are a “problem” that encourage groups to not integrate in to majority culture.

Francisco Lopez ’02

Ezra Vazquez-D’Amico ’03

April 18, 2001

Lopez is moderator of MEChA. Vazquez-D’Amico is treasurer of MEChA.