The Yale College Council has become stagnant in its desire to have an impact on this campus. While I know the YCC works hard, its attempts for change, unfortunately, have little effect. The council gets bogged down with the same issues year after year, and frankly, sometimes takes itself too seriously.

Instead of addressing a plethora of issues, the YCC should concentrate on realistic and obtainable goals. This organization was not implemented to pursue personal agendas or lofty dreams, but to represent the interests and concerns of the student body.

A major concern of mine is that the YCC has failed in the past to communicate and work with other student groups. Despite this apparent failure, I can recall two meetings this past semester that have given me hope that the YCC can move toward its fundamental mission.

In debating resolutions concerning Martin Luther King Jr. Day and financial aid reform, representatives from different student groups came together to discuss the issues. This form of collaboration allows the YCC to make legitimate decisions based on real and diverse student voices.

While no student groups have identical objectives, I believe a unified voice on university-wide issues such as financial aid reform, environmental policies, student holidays, dining hall problems and other concerns provides the most effective backing for action.

The YCC also has an obligation to the student body to plan activities. There is no excuse for the failure of the YCC to hold a fall concert or show. Additionally, we should start searching for a Spring Fling band in the fall in order to ensure a good act for the spring.

I also believe Spring Fling should last an entire weekend, where on one day many different student organizations celebrate their causes on Old Campus and bring the interests of the student body together. As Freshman College Council chair last year, I witnessed the positive response to increased student activities and plan to make this a major goal for next year’s YCC.

Everyone at Yale excels at something. Some compete on the playing fields, others achieve superior scholastic recognition, while still others sing around the world. I love student government and the interaction that accompanies it. While I know the changes I have mentioned will not occur overnight, I am confident the YCC can empower itself to make an impact.

From singing groups to social reform coalitions, many student organizations invest their time and labor because they truly believe in their cause. I call on the YCC to embody this same desire and ambition. Until then, the YCC will be criticized for its less than fruitful efforts.

I will continue to put my heart into this organization and will work diligently to represent the interests of the student body until I am no longer a student of Yale University. I may be one of the few, but I am a believer.