Amelia Nierenberg
Staff Columnist
Author Archive
NIERENBERG: Call your mother

The closing of our “bright college years” is a time of thank yous. We write letters to professors who have helped us think better. We […]

NIERENBERG: The flipside

It is fitting to begin my final column for the News in the same way I have begun so many before: with an aphorism from […]

NIERENBERG: For open syllabi

I had intended, in my penultimate column, to suggest a tweak to Yale’s approach to the public by offering a realizable, practical way the University […]

NIERENBERG: A societies society

Welcome to late March: the season of senior society tap. Society tap is perhaps the thing at Yale with worst ratio of “potential to be […]

NIERENBERG: Not “not guilty”

Yesterday, Saifullah Khan was acquitted of all charges of sexual assault. He had been charged with having sex with a woman who was too drunk […]

NIERENBERG: A capital-D date

The vast majority of Yale students suffer from romantic malaise. Collectively, we expend an insurmountable amount of energy fretting over text silences, analyzing conversations and […]

NIERENBERG: On rushing a fraternity

At Yale, fraternities exist in a split-level system because the word “fraternity” has two different meanings. On the one hand, fraternity means “brotherhood,” an organized […]

NIERENBERG: On rushing a sorority

So you want to rush a sorority. I get it. In my sophomore year, I did, too. When my friends joined sororities in our first […]

NIERENBERG: The new Old Campus

Yale administrators are deeply concerned about rising rates of upper-level students moving off campus. This trend is no secret: The Yale College Council reported that […]

NIERENBERG: Yale’s whisper network

Many women across Hollywood, Washington, D.C. and beyond have recently come forward decrying the powerful and predatory men who are sexually abusive in their workplaces. […]

NIERENBERG: A minor request

As afternoons darken and we wrap our scarves tighter around our throats, we start thinking about the future. First years, bless their hearts, wonder about […]