Elizabeth Crystal ’13 received a printed invitation under her suite door over the weekend inviting her to a “royal gala” in celebration of the 84th birthday of Queen Elizabeth II. But when she arrived at the Elizabethan Club, better known as the Lizzie on Thursday, the steward had no idea why she and about 30 other undergraduates named Elizabeth had shown up in cocktail attire.

After several minutes of general confusion, the invitees discovered that the Pundits had invited them as a prank.

“I felt really humiliated at first,” Crystal said. Once she realized how many other students had showed, she no longer felt “totally uninvited.”

But true to their tradition of graciousness, the Lizzie members invited the Elizabeths to stay for tea, and as promised in the invitation, Justin Zaremby ’03 GRD ’07 LAW ’10 gave a talk titled “Name and Identity: Embracing Royalty” on the importance of a name.