Michelle Taylor
TAYLOR: Zip your verbal fly

There is a way to be a polite conversationalist.

TAYLOR: Well, folks, this is it

Don’t let yourself go stale.

TAYLOR: In defense of the Oxford comma

With apologies to Penelope Laurans, who would expect better.

Five things you should have done while stranded on campus

Last year, I had a brilliant idea: Instead of wasting hundreds of dollars and too many hours traveling back home to the Deep South for […]

TAYLOR: Nietzsche in the Stands

The Yale-Harvard game is a tragedy.

TAYLOR: Advice from J. Alfred

An idiot once told me that I’d only regret the things I never did. I was in the seventh grade, and I was being encouraged […]

TAYLOR: An Odyssey to remember

If my life at Yale were adapted into a Road Trip movie, it would start somewhere in Siberia and end somewhere else in Siberia. It […]

TAYLOR: SWUG is an ethos

I knew in my heart that it would happen — that we, the class of 2013, were heading for something huge, something colossal and threatening. […]

TAYLOR: Ditch your high school sweetheart

Okay, freshmen, listen up to the croaky old voice of reason: You need to break free of your long-distance relationship. It’s been four weeks. You’re […]

TAYLOR: Hell is Durfee’s

What is it about Durfee’s that makes us all jerkwads? In theory, Durfee’s should be a pretty okay experience. Having slowly lost my standards over […]

TAYLOR: To thine own reading be true

I would like to begin with an apology to the members of my Thursday afternoon Shakespeare seminar, who, yesterday, undeservingly suffered the loudest, squeakiest, and […]