Aaron Goode
Academic freedom won’t arise from force

The times are a changin’, and plus ca change. Somewhere in between those two expressions lies the truth about the culture wars. As everyone now […]

Taxes are power struggle between town and gown

Yale and its critics — those of the “Connecticut Center for a New Economy ideology” that Yale is the tubby oligarch with an oversized money […]

Newsom looks deep into history’s crystal ball

It is easy to find examples of people who wound up on the wrong side of history: Strom Thurmond was so far on the wrong […]

Reform must go beyond campaign funding

It’s too bad you can’t impeach a first lady. Connecticut First Lady Patty Rowland’s rhyming poem-diatribe against overzealous Hartford Courant reporters when the Rowland “cabin-gate” […]

U.S. immigration policy needs reform

If one of the darker chapters of contemporary American history is the ubiquity of government make-believe, perhaps the most insidious kind of make-believe is the […]

Americans must be aware of bubble mentality of Bush administration

It was announced recently that sometime early next year the troops will be coming home from Iraq. Of course, 85,000 others will be taking their […]

Calif. failed to recall Davis’ record

The untold story behind the California recall is that Californians have been tricked into thinking they have a terrible governor. The lackluster news media, juggling […]

Edward Said’s rejected dream of a binational state in the Middle East

In addition to authoring important books on Islam, Western perceptions of the Middle East, exile, Conrad, and many other topics, Edward Said, who died last […]

How is Yale looking in the New York Times?

Whatever you think about the current labor stoppage, there is no denying it has made for good news copy. Thanks to the likes of John […]

The dangerous rules of engagement

It’s good to check from time to time how much a human life is worth these days. According to the recent Lockerbie bombing settlement, it’s […]

A war for the Kurds? Take a look at Turkey

Mullah Krekar, the founder of a militant Islamic organization based in northern Iraq, supposedly wore a knowing smile as he watched television coverage of U.S. […]