With thunder and lightning predicted for Sunday afternoon, Yale will move the Class Day ceremony from Old Campus to Woolsey Hall, the University announced on Sunday afternoon.

Because of the limited seating inside Woolsey, the families of graduating students and other members of the public will not be allowed to attend the ceremony, where former Secretary of State and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton LAW ‘73 is scheduled to deliver the keynote address.

The annual celebration of the graduating college class traditionally features a procession from Cross Campus to Old Campus consisting of seniors dressed in academic gowns and wearing creative headgear.

The event will be live-streamed for family members and other visitors at Battell Chapel; rooms 101, 102, 211 and 317 in Linsly-Chittenden Hall; and at Sudler Hall in William L. Harkness Hall, room 114 in Sheffield-Sterling-Strathcona Hall, Davies Auditorium in Becton Hall and Luce Hall. Class Day can also be viewed live online.

Emails circulated by residential college administrators notified students that no bags or umbrellas will be allowed at Class Day.