Search with Sterling. Students can now conduct their research online and offline with Sterling Library. Sterling Memorial Library, the “heart of the University,” is the background photograph for the homepage on Oct. 16. “On Wednesday Yale’s largest library will be on display for Bing’s consumers across the country,” said Nik Warren, a Bing representative, to the News. Yale’s midweek cameo on the site is coming after Tuesday’s display of a South African “long-tailed widowbird male in breeding plumage.”

Panic? The Common App site malfunctioned this past weekend preventing thousands of students from spending their Saturday and Sunday meticulously crafting their lists of extracurriculars and academic achievements for schools including Yale and the University of Connecticut. Though the site is largely operational again, students may be mourning this lost weekend as the early action deadline on Nov. 1 is looming.

“Latinas are…” La Casa Cultural is celebrating Latino Heritage month from Oct. 15 to Nov. 15. On the calendar are events like Arepa Night, a Latin Dance workshop, and an open house. The Lambda Upsilon Lambda Latino fraternity is also hosting a “Latinas are…” photo campaign. Advertisements for events invited students to, literally, “get a taste of what we have to offer.”

More cultural food. Also opening up its kitchen doors on campus is the Asian American Cultural Center. The AACC at 295 Crown is hosting “open kitchen hours” to allow students to “connect with home” weekly every Tuesday. The pantry has been pre-stocked with Ramen noodles and oolong tea.

Reverse exercising. It’s a simple equation that junk food and exercising cancel each other out. A new Yale study takes the thought one step further in proving that children are exposed to unhealthy food endorsement from professional athletes. Time to renew that Payne Whitney gym habit…

Have faith. “Why can’t Jesus do my pset?” reads a series of new flyers from the Chaplain’s Office. The office is urging students to consider the balance between their spiritual and intellectual lives during the height of midterm period with their new ad campaign. The question remains whether your prayers for a good curve will be answered.

This day in Yale history 1915. Yale elects their Prom Committee and the crowd may be surprising. Among the eight members serving on the “Junior Promenade Committee” are football player H. W. LeGore, baseball player Spencer Armstrong Pumpelly and Prescott Sheldon Bush, the father of George H. Bush.

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