In light of the impending storm, many professors have canceled their courses, and there are rumors that the University as a whole will follow suit. According to one security guard, his crew had been told that all classes will be canceled Monday because of Frankenstorm.

In addition, all campus shuttle services will stop beginning at midnight tonight, according to a Sunday email from Ed Bebyn, manager of Yale University Parking and Transit.

In the meantime, Cross Campus has compiled a list of classes and exams that have been stalled in anticipation of the stormy intruder (we have your best interests at heart). Keep checking back for updates:

1) HIST 223J: “Cultural History of World War One” with Bruno Cabanes

Due to hurricane Sandy, I am not sure to be able to come to campus on Tuesday afternoon. I’ll do my best, I will keep you posted and hope that all is well with you.

2) BIOL 102: “Cell Bio & Membrane Physiology” with Mark Mooseker

We’ll talk about that tomorrow. If there is a tomorrow.

3) ENGL 246: “Introduction to Verse Writing” with Louise Gluck

4) ENGL 467: “Journalism” with Steve Brill

I have decided that I will never be able to get to New Haven tomorrow (much less get out), even if Yale has classes. So….the class is postponed.

5) GMAN 110: “Elementary German” with Theresa Schenker

I am sure you have all heard about the storm that is apparantly heading our way. In order to avoid anyone getting caught in the storm I am cancelling class for tomorrow. Instead, you will complete the class work at home.

6) ITAL 120: “Elementary Italian II” with Anna Lacovella

Due to weather alert we are not meeting for the next two days. I will keep you updated as we get through the storm.

7) ASTR 110: “Planets and Stars” with Louise Edwards

In a Sunday email to the Yale community, Vice President Linda Lorimer said an official update will be sent no later than 6:30 p.m. Sunday night. Check back for updates.

Email if you know of any classes that have been canceled because of Hurricane Sandy.