“Go directly to Yale” — not jail. Last night’s episode of Jeopardy included a category of Yale trivia. One “answer” described a Yale alumnus whose first comic strip, “Bull Tales,” debuted in the News in 1968. The “question”: Who is Garry Trudeau?

Speaking of Yale institutions in jeopardy, the fate of Yale’s British Bulldogs program this summer remains uncertain due to changes in British work-permit policies. UCS is seeking a viable solution but may run the program in an “expurgated form” if a resolution is not reached, UCS Director Phil Jones said. More information will be available by the middle of next week, he added.

But job hunters have other options, particularly those students interested in nonprofit work. UCS will hold its 10th annual Nonprofit Career Fair today at the Omni Hotel. Nine of the 45 organizations present will be interviewing on the spot — twice as many as last year, Jones said.

In exchange for 150 nights of access to the world’s two largest optical telescopes, Yale has paid the California Institute of Technology $12 million. The 10-meter telescopes are located at the W.M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii. Unfortunately, the $80,000-per-night price tag does not include airfare.

A blue Mazda hit a parked car on Temple Street between Silliman and Timothy Dwight at 2:25 p.m. yesterday. Bystanders said the Mazda’s driver stopped to inspect her car but ignored the parked car. The woman appeared confused, one student said, as the police towed her barely damaged vehicle.

Thirsty? For the second time this week, PVC pipes with spigots on one end and 5-gallon water jugs on the other stretched halfway across the Woolsey Rotunda yesterday. Members of Engineers Without Borders offered cups of water to students in an attempt to raise awareness of the group’s work in regions with limited water access.

Yalies will have the chance to be rock stars for an evening at the Junior Class Council’s Rock Band Tournament tonight at 8 p.m. in the Saybrook basement. The tournament costs $5 per person and is open to all undergraduates. Proceeds will go to Relay for Life.

This day in Yale history

1957 Undergraduate employees of the Yale Student Laundry were suspected of stealing fellow classmates’ linen. The junior manager of laundry, Theodore Van Wormer ’58, declined to reveal how much money was lost due to the laundry capers. Student employees initially said the errors were “unintentional” but eventually admitted they would pilfer an occasional towel or sheet “just to have around the room.”

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