By Zach Marks

It’s no secret. If you want to win a YCC election, you need to do well with freshmen. They consistently turn out in higher numbers than upperclassmen – last year 33% of voters were freshmen, compared to 30% who were sophomores, 22% juniors and 15% seniors. Since freshmen are less likely than their older peers to write off the elections as a time for resume padding, they also get more involved with the campaigns – sending e-mails to friends, canvassing entryways and helping make YouTube videos.

So candidates are setting up shop on Old Campus for today’s Freshman Olympics, pretending like they’re just here to relive their wonder years as freshmen and then handing out campaign stickers when I’m not watching. I see you, Will Alexander. Your stickers are practically a part of the TD uniform. Unfortunately, your opponent in the race for treasurer Jon Wu’s stickers seem to be a part of all the other 11 colleges’ uniforms. Those “Yes Wu Can” stickers are hard to miss – Wu’s boldface white type on a black background was probably a better choice than Alexander’s Times New Roman 12 pt. on a transparent sticker.

To Alexander’s credit, his travel to Old Campus seems as much for pleasure as for business – he’s lining up to participate in the “Funny Relay” (whatever that is) with his boys from last year’s Freshman Class Council, presidential candidate Rich Tao and secretary hopeful Jasper Wang.

Oh, hold up. Harrison Marks sighting. 2:34 p.m. Walking from the water balloon toss to the dodgeball arena. Could this be symbolic of the shift in tone we should expect from his campaign?

We’ll see tonight when he and the rest of the field invade the freshman entryways for their last chance to reach out to voters before polls open tomorrow Morning.